Tepki Puanı
Apologies if it seems I am abusing your help, but here another piece from the same book by Şamlı Selim. Again a peşrev I don't think I have ever heard, and a makam that I don't recognize; without doubt because of my very limited knowledge of those things.
The descent reminds me of Muhayyer Sünbüle, but that is not what it is ?

I would be very grateful for any insights !

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Tepki Puanı
Apologies if it seems I am abusing your help, but here another piece from the same book by Şamlı Selim. Again a peşrev I don't think I have ever heard, and a makam that I don't recognize; without doubt because of my very limited knowledge of those things.
The descent reminds me of Muhayyer Sünbüle, but that is not what it is ?

I would be very grateful for any insights !
Bu versiyonu şamlı iskender notasi ve zirgule peşrevinde olduğu gibi bu notada da bir karışıklık var.

Dediğiniz gibi Muhayyer Sümbüle gibi başlamış sonra birdenbire Sipihr seslerine dönmüş.

Yani iki konuda da yanlış yazım olduğunu düşünüyorum.
Tepki Puanı
Yes, with the note Sümbüle and not Şehnaz at the beginning I didn't recognize it was this piece. That is a bit strange.
There is this recording of what seems to be the Şamlı Selim version:

Tepki Puanı
İnternet Sayfası
Apologies if it seems I am abusing your help,
Not at all. Our site's purpose is to help people, to learn from people, to educate each other. So, you can ask as many questions as you want. Obviously we might not be able to help in all cases, since our knowledge has limits, but in general we try to help everyone. We have excellent people here fortunately, as I wouldn't know how our site would have been if they were not present. Thanks for the questions :).
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