Çok eski bir web tarayıcısı kullanıyorsunuz. Bu veya diğer siteleri görüntülemekte sorunlar yaşayabilirsiniz.. Tarayıcınızı güncellemeli veya alternatif bir tarayıcı kullanmalısınız.
This is [B]bold[/B] text.
This is [I]italic[/I] text.
This is [U]underlined[/U] text.
This is [S]struck-through[/S] text.
This is bold text.
This is italic text.
This is underlined text.
This is struck-through text.
Arka plan rengi,
Metin rengi,
Advanced text formatting options for wrapped text.
This is [COLOR=red]red[/COLOR] and [COLOR=#0000cc]blue[/COLOR] text.
This is [BGCOLOR=#FAA]red[/BGCOLOR] and [BGCOLOR=#AAF]blue[/BGCOLOR] highlighted text.
This is [FONT=Courier New]Courier New[/FONT] text.
This is [SIZE=1]small[/SIZE] and [SIZE=7]big[/SIZE] text.
This is red and blue text.
This is red and blue highlighted text.
This is Courier New text.
This is small and big text.
Position wrapped text.
This is [SUB]subscript[/SUB] text.
This is [SUP]superscript[/SUP] text.
This is subscript text.
This is superscript text.
[URL], [EMAIL] - Link Verme
Sarılmış metni hedef olarak kullanarak bir link oluşturur.
[LEFT], [RIGHT], [CENTER], [JUSTIFY] - Text alignment
Sarılmış metnin hizalamasını değiştirir.
[JUSTIFY]This is a justified text block. This is a justified text block. This is a justified text block. This is a justified text block. This is a justified text block. This is a justified text block.[/JUSTIFY]
This is a justified text block. This is a justified text block. This is a justified text block. This is a justified text block. This is a justified text block. This is a justified text block.
[QUOTE] - Alıntılanan metin
Başka bir kaynaktan alıntılanan metni görüntüler. Ayrıca kaynağın adını da atayabilirsiniz.
Marks text as a structured heading to facilitate machine readability.
[HEADING=1]Major heading[/HEADING]
This text comes under a major heading, used to separate the primary sections of an article.
[HEADING=2]Minor heading[/HEADING]
When you need to subdivide the primary sections of an article, use a level 2 minor heading.
If you require additional subdivision, you may drop to level 3.
Major heading
This text comes under a major heading, used to separate the primary sections of an article.
Minor heading
When you need to subdivide the primary sections of an article, use a level 2 minor heading.
If you require additional subdivision, you may drop to level 3.
[INDENT] - Metin girintisi
Seçili metni içe kaydırır. Daha geniş kaydırmalar için içe içe kullanılabilir.
Normal metin
[INDENT]Girintili metin
[INDENT=2]Daha girintili metin[/INDENT]
Normal metin
Girintili metin
Daha girintili metin
[PLAIN] - Düz metin
Sarılmış metinde BB kod çevirisini devre dışı bırakır.
[PLAIN]Bu [B]kalın[/B] bir yazı değil.[/PLAIN]
Bu [B]kalın[/B] bir yazı değil.
[ATTACH] - Dosya ekleme
Belirtilen noktaya bir dosya ekler. Ek, bir resim ise, küçük resim veya tam boyutlu bir görünüm eklenir. Bu genellikle uygun butona tıklatarak yerleştirilir.
Küçük resim: [ATTACH]123[/ATTACH]
Tam boyut: [ATTACH=full]123[/ATTACH]
Displays an article with an optional source attribution.
A news article discusses current or recent news of either general interest (i.e. daily newspapers) or of a specific topic (i.e. political or trade news magazines, club newsletters, or technology news websites).
A news article can include accounts of eyewitnesses to the happening event. It can contain photographs, accounts, statistics, graphs, recollections, interviews, polls, debates on the topic, etc. Headlines can be used to focus the reader’s attention on a particular (or main) part of the article. The writer can also give facts and detailed information following answers to general questions like who, what, when, where, why and how.
A news article discusses current or recent news of either general interest (i.e. daily newspapers) or of a specific topic (i.e. political or trade news magazines, club newsletters, or technology news websites).
A news article can include accounts of eyewitnesses to the happening event. It can contain photographs, accounts, statistics, graphs, recollections, interviews, polls, debates on the topic, etc. Headlines can be used to focus the reader’s attention on a particular (or main) part of the article. The writer can also give facts and detailed information following answers to general questions like who, what, when, where, why and how.
- Block image
Displays an image, allowing it to be resized, aligned or floated, and compared with another image.
This BB Code inserts a text box to the right of a text (absolute position). It has to be inserted just before the content. (width customizable in %)
[ENCADRE]This is a text box with a long text. Can be used with an article for example.[/ENCADRE]Content
[ENCADRE width=30]This is a text box with a long text. Can be used with an article for example.[/ENCADRE]Content
- Fieldset
This BB Code inserts a fieldset
[fieldset]This is a fieldset[/fieldset]
[fieldset title="Title"]This is a fieldset[/fieldset]
[fieldset title="Title" width=80]This is a fieldset[/fieldset]
This is a fieldset
This is a fieldset
This is a fieldset
- Float left
Make a block float on the left
[fleft]Make me float on the left[/fleft]
Make me float on the left
- Float right
Make a block float on the right
[FRIGHT]Make me float on the right[/FRIGHT]
Make me float on the right
This BB Code displays documents using the "Google Docs - Viewer" (supports many different file types:pdf,ppt,doc,xls...).
Default line:
Unformatted line:
Solid line:
Lightly faded on both sides:
Significantly faded on both sides:
Faded to left:
Faded from right:
Default line: Unformatted line: Solid line: Lightly faded on both sides: Significantly faded on both sides: Faded to left: Faded from right:
- Justify
[justify]justified text example
line 1
line 2
line 3[/justify]!